The 3-A Working Group for Vessels and 3-A Steering Committee have approved an amendment to the 3-A Sanitary Standard for Spray Cleaning Devices Intended to Remain in Place, Number 78-04. This 3-A Sanitary Standard applies to the sanitary aspects of spray cleaning devices, including supply tubes, intended to remain in place during processing operations and used on product storage and processing equipment. where solution enters the inlet of the spray cleaning device or the supply tube fitting to where solution exits at the spray orifice(s). This Standard does not apply to spray cleaning devices which are removed prior to processing operations.
This is an amendment and 4th edition of the individual equipment standard which has incorporated the 3-A Sanitary Standard for General Requirements as a normative reference. The amendment included language that allows the use of a sanitary mechanical force seal as a type of plug seal or stem seal for retractable spray cleaning devices.
Companies authorized to use the 3-A Symbol or RP Mark for 78-03 should contact their Certified Conformance Evaluator to request an amendment report per the requirements of the TPV Manual and 3-A Symbol License Agreement available on our website
A copy of 78-04 and other 3-A SSI documents are available at or at
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