Our e-learning modules are specially designed to combine the elements of traditional live seminars with the accessibility and flexibility of online learning. Many academic programs and organizations build these into their curriculum for professional education.

View 3-A SSI E-Learning Modules
This section is a valuable ‘gateway’ to learn about many aspects of 3-A SSI, including the structure of the organization, the 3-A Symbol, essential elements of 3-A Sanitary Standards, the Third Party Verification (TPV) inspection required for 3-A Symbol authorization, and much more.

View 3-A SSI Videos
This section features concise video blogs on significant topics in hygienic equipment design. The introductory VLOGs are intended to present a brief overview of various subjects relevant to the application of 3-A Sanitary Standards and 3-A Accepted Practices.

3-A SSI maintains a collection of webinars with presentations from past education programs.
Check out the collection and the outstanding lineup of leading authorities on food safety
inspection and prominent topics in facility design, equipment fabrication and more.

View webinar archive
Quick Links
Here is a set of very simplified tutorials on many leading subjects of inquiry for 3-A SSI, such as: Third Party Verification (TPV) Inspection, 3-A Symbol Benefits, Application, Verification, Proper Use & Display and the 3-A SSI Consensus Development Procedures.

View quick links tutorials
buyer beware
3-A SSI provides this Buyer Beware list as a service to identify any entities known to infringe on the registered marks of 3-A SSI, including the 3-A Symbol and 3A word mark. If your company is shown on this list, we strongly encourage you to remove the infringement and notify 3-A SSI promptly in writing.

View buyer beware list