Inside 3-A SSI
3-A SSI Announces New Directors for 2024
3-A SSI recently announced the appointment of members for a new three-year term beginning January 2024. Voting representatives are appointed by the member associations to represent three classifications or interest groups: Fabricators, Users, and Regulatory Sanitarians.
The new Fabricator representatives include Michael Boyd (Ampco Pumps), John Kuhnz (Dorner Manufacturing Co.) and Jim LeClair (Alfa Laval). Representatives of processor interests or Users include John Allan, III (International Dairy Foods Association), Susan McNulty-Atwater (HP Hood, LLC), and Ronald Thompson (Continental Dairy Facilities, LLC). Regulatory Sanitarian appointments include Kenneth Anderson (Harold Wainess & Associates), Chris Hylkema (New York State Dept. of Agriculture & Markets), and Tim Stubbs (Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy).
Non-voting members appointed include Paul Dix (Maryland Dept. of Health), Carianne Endert-Klaasen (Dairy Farmers of America), Amanda Limback (U.S Dept. of Agriculture AMS Dairy Programs), Greg Marconnet (Mead & Hunt), Allen Sayler (Center for Food Safety & Regulatory Solutions), Stephen Walker (U.S. Food & Drug Admin. Center for Food Safety and Nutrition), and Curtis Weller (Univ. of Nebraska/Lincoln).

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