Spring 2023
AI Fails in Hygienic Equipment Design

3-A SSI in the News

AI Fails in Hygienic Equipment Design

Hygienic by design is a design principle in the food industry aimed at reducing the risk of contamination in food production facilities. It involves incorporating hygiene and sanitation considerations into the design and construction of the facility, equipment, and processes to minimize the risk of contamination. This includes features such as smooth and easily cleanable surfaces, proper separation of raw and cooked materials, adequate ventilation, and effective waste management systems. The goal is to create a safe and hygienic environment for food production that reduces the risk of foodborne illness.

If the previous paragraph sounds correct, welcome to the world of artificial intelligence (AI). It was written by the AI program ChatGPT in response to the prompt, “Explain hygienic by design: reducing risk in your facility.”

Or you might like the following description better:

Hygienic by design refers to a process of designing or modifying facilities, equipment and systems to minimize the risk of contamination in food production. It involves considering hygiene risks at every stage of the design process and taking steps to eliminate or control them. This can include things like proper ventilation, easy-to-clean surfaces, effective waste management, and minimizing the potential for cross-contamination. The goal is to create a hygienic environment that supports food safety and reduces the risk of foodborne illness.

That was also written by ChatGPT in response to the same prompt.

Okay, so the program can describe the concept of hygienic by design, which is mantra of 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc. But can it understand the business and societal benefits of hygienic design? In response to the prompt, “Explain hygienic design for profitability and sustainability,” Chat GPT said this:

Hygienic design refers to the principles and practices that aim to prevent contamination and maintain cleanliness in equipment and facilities in food, pharmaceutical, and other industries. It can lead to profitability and sustainability by reducing the risk of product recalls and contamination incidents, improving product quality and safety, extending the lifespan of equipment, and reducing costs associated with cleaning, maintenance, and downtime.

By prioritizing cleanliness and maintenance in the design of equipment and facilities, companies can create a more efficient and sustainable production process. This can increase profits by reducing the risk of product recalls and contamination incidents, which can be costly and damage a company's reputation. Additionally, hygienic design can extend the lifespan of equipment and reduce costs associated with cleaning, maintenance, and downtime, as it minimizes the buildup of residue and bacteria that can cause problems.

Sustainability can also be improved through hygienic design by reducing waste, improving energy efficiency, and reducing the need for harsh cleaning chemicals. For example, well-designed systems can reduce the need for frequent cleaning, reducing the amount of water and energy required. Additionally, hygienic design can promote the use of environmentally friendly cleaning products and minimize the risk of pollution and waste.

Overall, hygienic design can lead to both profitability and sustainability in the food, pharmaceutical, and other industries by promoting cleanliness, reducing risk, improving product quality, and reducing costs.

ChatGPT can even break down the benefits into key points, as it did here:

Hygienic design refers to the design and construction of equipment and facilities used in the food and beverage industry with a focus on ensuring cleanliness and preventing contamination. This design approach can lead to profitability and sustainability in several ways:

  1. Increased efficiency: Hygienic design minimizes the risk of contamination, reducing the likelihood of product recalls, reducing waste and improving product quality.
  2. Improved safety: Hygienic design reduces the risk of workplace accidents, illnesses and contamination-related outbreaks, thus reducing liabilities and improving employee safety.
  3. Better reputation: A commitment to hygienic design can improve a company's reputation with customers, investors and regulatory agencies, helping to build trust and confidence in the brand.
  4. Increased sustainability: Hygienic design can also promote sustainability by reducing the need for frequent cleaning and maintenance, as well as reducing the risk of waste and contamination. This, in turn, can reduce resource consumption and improve a company's overall sustainability footprint.

In conclusion, incorporating hygienic design principles into food and beverage operations can drive profitability and sustainability by improving efficiency, safety, reputation and reducing waste.

Okay, but can it:

Uh…no. Whew.

So this brave new world is upon us, but we humans still have a role to play. And 3-A SSI has an extremely important role in building your skills and connections through experiential learning.

Don’t miss the 2023 3-A SSI Education Event, “Hygienic by Design: Reducing Risk in Your Facility,” May 9-11, 2023, in Minneapolis, Minnesota!

As described in the article in this newsletter, “3-A SSI 2023 Is Must-Attend Education Program,” this event includes a day of foundational learning, a day of advanced learning, and a day devoted to the 3-A SSI Annual Meeting and insights on the upcoming revisions and improvements anticipated in the next edition of 3-A SSI General Requirements.

You won’t want to miss it. Conveniently located next to the Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport, it’s easy to find and attend. Register today at

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