The gold standard

of hygienic food
equipment design

3-A SSI Ad Hoc Working Group for ANSI/3-A Sanitary Standard for General Requirements Formed

3-A SSI Ad Hoc Working Group for ANSI/3-A Sanitary Standard for General Requirements Formed

Jul 2024

McLEAN, Virginia - 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc. has closed its canvassing period to assemble an Ad Hoc Working Group to review revision proposals to the American National Standard designated 3-A Sanitary Standard for General Requirements, ANSI/3-A 00-01-2018 under newly revised Procedures for the Development & Maintenance of 3-A Sanitary Standards & Accepted Practices. The formal canvassing period for this new Ad Hoc Working Group began on June 17, 2024 and closed on July 17, 2024. Announcements for the canvassing of this Ad Hoc Working Group were made at 3-A SSI's 2024 Annual Meeting May 9, 2024 as well. The General Requirements (GR), is a compendium of hygienic design criteria “for sanitary (hygienic) equipment intended for processing milk, milk products, foods, food ingredients, beverages, or other edible materials.” The GR covers criteria for equipment design, material of construction, fabrication techniques, and installation, as applicable. The GR alone provides general hygienic design criteria that is a major normative reference for specific individual equipment standards and accepted practices for systems. These individual equipment standards and accepted practices contain specific additional requirements and exceptions to the GR. The Ad Hoc WG for General Requirements is open for participation by all who are directly and materially affected, including representatives of equipment and system fabricators/installers, food manufacturers, food safety inspectors, academicians, and State and Federal agencies.

Ad Hoc Working Group Members are now planning their first Ad Hoc Working Group meeting and will confer a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Document Leader. An Ad Hoc Working Group final draft will be balloted and offered for public comment. If approved, the final draft will advance to the 3-A Steering Committee for final approval. In addition to these steps for approval, as an ANSI designated Standard, the draft standard will follow the Operating Procedures for the Development of ANSI Standards and as a final step, will require approval by a final canvassed ANSI consensus body. You can find the current voting roster for this Ad Hoc Working Group and copy of our current Procedures (Non-ANSI) and Procedures (ANSI) by vising the following link:

For more information, contact Eric Schweitzer, Director of Standards & Certification at

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