The gold standard

of hygienic food
equipment design

Working Groups
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Join an Ad Hoc Working Group

The sharing of expertise in an Ad Hoc Working Group meeting is critical to the 3-A Sanitary Standards and 3-A Accepted Practice development process and will expand your knowledge, provide a forum for your voice to be heard, and help establish relationships with colleagues throughout your industry.

Fill out the form below to join an Ad Hoc Working Group as a voting member or observer. All fields are required.

Procedures for Development and Maintenance of 3-A Sanitary Standards & Accepted Practices – Appendix C
a) Equipment Fabricators - The Equipment Fabricators Category shall represent those persons, companies or trade associations and their consultants who are original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), fabricators, distributors and installers of equipment covered by 3-A Sanitary Standards and/or 3-A Accepted Practices.
b) Processors/Users - The Processors/Users Category shall represent those persons, companies and trade associations and their consultants who are users of dairy, and/or food processing equipment or systems covered by 3-A Sanitary Standards and/or 3-A Accepted Practices.
c) Public Interest – The Public Interest Category represents state and local milk regulatory officials (Sanitarians), representative(s) from academia, the USDA Dairy Programs, the FDA and other sanitarians, consumers and others.
By choosing Voting Member, I agree to serve as a Voting Member of the 3-A SSI Ad Hoc Working Group for the equipment group(s) marked above. I understand that I will be a voting Member of the Group requiring that I attend Group Meetings and return all ballots and correspondence as necessary.
By choosing Observer, I want to be an Observer only of the Ad Hoc Working Group for the equipment group(s) marked above. I understand that I will not receive ballots but will receive all other Group correspondence and will be able to attend any Group meetings as an announced Observer.
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